Looking for a Divorce Mediator?

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Thinking about getting divorce? Worried about it being messy? It may be in your best interest to get a divorce mediator. What is a divorce mediator? Well, he or she is a neutral party that doesn’t help either party in a divorce. The mediator can help both parties come to agreements on how to resolve certain issues whether they’re about finances or children.

This type of divorce process will work for you best if both parties do generally agree on things. If you live in South Florida and are looking for a divorce mediator, Lori Barkus and her team at Barkus law provide divorce mediation services. What does this include? You will get mediation time where you can talk, discuss and hash out the details of the divorce regarding child custody, child support, finances, and more. You will also discuss how the divorce filings (paperwork) will occur and happen.

Although Lori Barkus is a divorce lawyer, if she is being the role of mediator, she cannot file legal documents for you or give legal advice. However, she is able to prepare and provide all the document for you and tell you how to file the paperwork properly.

If you need legal advice or help with filing paperwork, you will have to speak and hire a divorce attorney. You can have both an attorney and a mediator. A mediator is a great alternative to figuring things out during a divorce without spending a large sum of money. Lori Barks offers a flat fee for her mediator services and an additional fee for preparing divorce paperwork.

If you’re interested in working with Lori Barkus, whether as an attorney or a mediator, you can contact her here. Or, you can call the Barkus Law firm at 954-349-7988. For more mediation info, click here.


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