Could Downtime Cost Your Business Thousands?

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Are you aware of the costly consequences of downtime?

Downtime related to one cyber-attack could cost your business the equivalent of an employee’s salary for a whole year!

This 5-figure risk shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially when there are ways to prevent it from happening to you.

Before we dive into how you can prevent downtime from happening to your business, let’s quickly cover what downtime is and how it can affect you.


What Is Downtime In Business?

Downtime refers to the period of time when your company is offline. During this time, you don’t have access to your network. This prevents you and your employees from performing routine tasks online. As a result, your online business transactions are halted, your email is inaccessible, and you’re losing money by the minute.

No business owner wants this. Not only does it make you look unprofessional, but it also eats away at your productivity and your profits.

Keep reading to find out what causes downtime so you can prevent it from happening to you and your business.


What Causes Downtime?

Downtime occurs when a network connection is interrupted. That can mean a simple internet outage, or it can be more serious like a cyber attack.

One of the most common cyber threats is called a ransomware attack. If this happens to you, you risk losing a whole week of sales.

As you can see, this is a serious threat to your business. Luckily, it’s possible to minimize the risk of downtime and protect your business from cyber attacks.

Read on to discover how to minimize downtime so your business can operate as lean as possible.


How To Minimize Downtime

Keep your business up and running by preventing downtime from happening to you.

  • Secure your network
  • Enable data protection
  • Assess cyber risks regularly

Now you know the importance of protecting your business from downtime. But where do you start?

Luckily, you can hire experts to oversee your network management. These managed IT services will help you keep your business safe and secure.

Are you ready to get started?


Prevent Downtime: Invest In Network Management Now

Now that you know how much downtime can cost you, you’re most likely certain that you don’t want to experience it. But how do you keep that from happening?


If you don’t know how to keep the risks at bay, that’s what we’re here for!

Third Power IT provides the most trusted Managed IT Services in Miami and South Florida. If you are looking for a network management partner who understands your unique needs, you’re in the right place.

The experts at Third Power IT, South Florida’s best IT consultants, use a 3-prong approach to protect your network:

  1. Strategy
  2. Security
  3. Stability

To start designing your custom network management plan, contact us at 844-677-3687 or visit right now.


The post Could Downtime Cost Your Business Thousands? appeared first on Third Power IT – Managed IT Services.

Courtesy of Miami IT Company -

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